This website is a way of showcasing my projects and showing off my abilities as well as advertising my services.
I’ve always hosted a web server at home, particularly when working on other people’s PHP projects as a place to test my code. I hosted a few projects and websites for friends and it seemed a no-brainer to host a blog for my various projects and hobbies while I could.
I have always been a tinkerer starting with toys and bikes as a child and moving to, modding and unlocking mobile phones, Cycling and downhill racing and computers, coding, web hosting and security, Media Production & IT, Photography, Home automation, Home networking and safety, watchmaking, 3D printing and like most guys… modding cars!
As a married father of two children, there are always hacks to making life easier, the geek in me finds ways to mix in a geeky project, including designing and 3D printing a water bottle holder for my child’s bed to prevent spills.
I guess having to redo some of this would mean I can use the feedback I received (and appreciate ) to do an improved version. (Yes, I will use the proper camera)
I have plans, possibly to add the web hosting control panel here and a way of commissioning watch builds with a view of logistics and transparency. For now, I will indulge myself with creating a gallery of my watch builds and add watch-based content that was absent from the previous blog.