I have had to make a variation of the stepper motor towers for the mercury “one.1” 3D printer. Its an awesome design, and iI have found it to be a brilliant 3D printer. However when I turn up the speed, I found the belts have on occasion rode up the idlers on the metal dowel pins. It is possible I may not have sanded the dowels down evenly but I think it’s also become a source of noise.

I didn’t want to reassemble them with better F695-2RS bearings, nor did i have the patience to wait for them if I ordered a new set. Rather I figured i could use the 18mm 2GT pulleys I already had, with 3mm bores and used M3 screws – which i had plenty of.
I figured the bigger side profiles of the GT2 pulleys, especially the 18mm version, would withhold the belt at higher speeds and accelerations.

I also created little spacers that fit over the bearing portion of the idlers to allow spacing without causing friction of the actual bearings touching the tower or adjacent pulley…
The changes aren’t too dramatic, the biggest challenge was accommodating the bigger pulleys and adapting (or chopping away) the original design to accept my idea of using what I had.
If you want the stl files, no need to ask… I’ve attached them all below.
Credit for the original design work goes to ZeroG by https://zerog.one/
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